Growing pains: British industry and the low-carbon transition
Growing pains: British industry and the low-carbon transition / David Nash, Will Straw & Reuben Balfour. Institute for Public Policy Research, May 2012, 48 p.
The report covers the findings from our consultations with over 60 British businesses from a range of sectors. We recommend a Green Deal for manufacturers to help them save on their energy bills, more nuanced policy towards energy-intensive firms, and a 2030 target to reduce emissions in the energy sector to provide longer term clarity for business. (© David Nash)
The report explores the views of British industries that are critical to the low-carbon transition – the energy, transport and manufacturing sectors, as well as energy-intensive industries within manufacturing… read more on IPPR web site
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Danièle Revel (11 juin 2012). Growing pains: British industry and the low-carbon transition. Veille énergie climat. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse