China’s Coal Market: Can Beijing Tame ‘King Coal’?
The aim of the proposed paper is to analyze key policy and market developments in the Chinese coal market and their possible impact on global coal trade.
The aim of the proposed paper is to analyze key policy and market developments in the Chinese coal market and their possible impact on global coal trade.
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) could be key to decarbonizing transport, but are heavily subsidized. Most assessments of BEVs use highly taxed road fuel prices and ignore efficient pricing of electricity…
Energy security remains a vital issue for the European Union (EU), even more so in the wake of the events that unfolded in early 2014 in Ukraine. The EU´s already fragile position in the international energy arena in terms of supply security appears to be more uncertain than ever after umpteenth fall out with its historic energy supplier, Russia…
La mission d’évaluation économique du dispositif des certificats d’économie d’énergie (CEE) a pu constater l’importance des CEE dans la politique d’efficacité énergétique nationale, renforcée par les choix faits par la France dans sa notification au titre de la directive européenne dite « efficacité énergétique »…
This report provides an overview of the development of the negotiations within the UNFCCC since COP 19 in Warsaw. It summarises the key developments in 2014 and provides short overviews for all negotiation areas.
This study reviews the state of play of on-going EU environmental legislation and pinpoints key issues for Europe in the area of environmental and climate policies for the next five years…
Une note de Patrick Artus, Natixis
Article 4 of the EED required Member States to set out strategies for the renovation of their buildings before April 2014. The report focuses on the strategies from 10 Member States diversity and scores countries for each of the 5 requirements from Article 4: overview of the building stock, cost-effective approaches to renovations, policies and measures to stimulate cost-effective deep renovations, forward-looking perspective to guide investment decisions and evidence-based estimate of expected savings and wider benefits
In October 2014, the European Union (EU) set ambitious climate and energy targets for 2030, confirming its global leadership on climate change. But while the targets are in place, the legal framework to implement them is yet to be developed. This IEA’s report provides recommendations on how the targets can be reached in a cost-effective and integrated way, while fostering the competitiveness and energy security of the European Union.
Hub pricing is dominant in north west European gas markets and is spreading to the south and east of the Continent. A new study by Howard Rogers and Jonathan Stern finds that the most important determinants of European hub prices will be global gas market dynamics…
Si les Parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations unies pour les changements climatiques se sont accordées pour négocier un nouvel accord climat en 2015, de nombreuses questions restent ouvertes quant à sa nature juridique. L’objectif de cet article est de présenter les différentes options et synergies possibles entre options : sur la forme de l’accord lui-même ; sur la façon « d’ancrer » les contributions des pays en matière de réduction d’émissions dans l’accord ; et sur les questions de transparence, redevabilité et conformité des engagements.
This report is the first in a series of country reports that IRENA has released to supplement the range of global and sector-specific reports released since early 2014 as part of REmap 2030.
A perspective from Latin American and Caribbean think tanks on climate change issues Series
This OIES paper argues that increasing the production and consumption of natural gas will provide the much-needed momentum to cut Indonesia’s reliance on oil and empower the incoming Widodo administration to tackle the challenges of reconfiguring its energy mix and establishing sustainable energy policies.