Noble Gases Identify the Mechanisms of Fugitive Gas Contamination in Drinking-Water Wells Overlying the Marcellus and Barnett Shales
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
This report brings together outputs from the UN-Water Zaragoza Conference 2014, summarising contributions from different UN agencies and programmes, more than 120 experts, representatives of international companies in the water and energy sector, governmental and non-governmental organisations.
This SIWI report has been prepared as input to the 2014 World Water Week and its special focus on Energy and Water.
Concept novateur, la sécurité liée à l’eau vise à prendre en compte deux enjeux liés à la gestion de l’eau : fournir un volume suffisant d’eau de qualité satisfaisante pour l’ensemble des usages (y compris pour les écosystèmes) et limiter les risques liés aux inondations et aux sécheresses. L’adoption d’une telle perspective permet de révéler des arbitrages dans le choix des politiques publiques, qui portent sur les risques ou sur les usages de l’eau (domestique, agricole, industriel ou énergétique). De plus, cette approche transversale par gestion de risques permet d’analyser, au sein d’un même cadre, le sujet des inondations et la gestion de l’eau par usages (y compris écosystèmes)…
Water Resources: An Integrated Approach provides students with a comprehensive overview of both natural and socio-economic processes associated with water.
The purpose of this book is to present an overview of the latest research, policy, practitioner, academic and international thinking on water security—an issue that, like water governance a few years ago, has developed much policy awareness and momentum with a wide range of stakeholders. As a concept it is open to multiple interpretations, and the authors here set out the various approaches to the topic from different perspectives.
Le rapport souligne une gestion de l’eau satisfaisante pour le petit cycle et une planification performante du grand cycle. Mais des points de vigilance subsistent dans un contexte lié aux pollutions émergentes et au changement climatique dont les déterminants se situent en dehors de la politique de l’eau…
Un billet posté sur Real-World Economics Review blog
This OECD publication examines the critical issues surrounding water security, providing a rationale for a risk-based approach and the management of trade-offs between water and other (sectoral and environmental) policies…
This OECD report sets out the challenge for freshwater in a changing climate and provides policy guidance on how to navigate this new “waterscape”.
Remise du rapport de Michel Lesage au Premier Ministre
Developing growth strategies that promote greener lifestyles requires a good understanding of the factors that affect people’s behaviour towards the environment. Recent OECD work based on periodic surveys of more than 10 000 households across a number of countries and areas represents a breakthrough by providing a common framework to collect unique empirical evidence for better policy design This publication presents a data overview of the most recent round of the survey implemented in five areas (energy, food, transport, waste, and water) and 11 countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Israel, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland…