Géopolitique d’une planète déréglée. Le choc de l’Anthropocène
Un ouvrage de Jean-Michel Valantin, spécialiste de géopolitique et d’études stratégiques
Un ouvrage de Jean-Michel Valantin, spécialiste de géopolitique et d’études stratégiques
« Un livre pour comprendre comment et pourquoi le climat évolue sans cesse »
The author argues that a proper understanding of the way human-induced climate change altered the functioning of the Earth System is the correct way to understand the Anthropocene…
“Humans are no longer spectators who need to adapt to their natural environment. Our impact on the earth has caused changes that are outside the range of natural variability and are equivalent to such major geological disruptions as ice ages. Some scientists argue that we have entered a new epoch in planetary history: the Anthropocene. In such an era of planet-wide transformation, we need a new model for planet-wide environmental politics. In this book, Frank Biermann proposes “earth system” governance as just such a new paradigm…”
Article d’Aurore Lalucq, repris d‘ Alternatives Economiques Poche n°061 – mars 2013