Too much energy ? Asia at 2030
This AEI report strives to shed light on these uncertainties with the aim of providing realistic scenarios for the global energy outlook to 2030.
This AEI report strives to shed light on these uncertainties with the aim of providing realistic scenarios for the global energy outlook to 2030.
Asia’s burgeoning energy demand has stimulated interest in photovoltaics, wind power, and unconventional gas (shale gas, tight gas, coal-bed methane, and coal-mine methane). For each of these, the resource, current status, future prospects, environmental implications, investment and infrastructure requirements, and risks are examined…
The book offers a detailed survey of the current status of climate change and climate variability in the Asia-Pacific region, a thorough and thoughtful assessment of climate and security and clear recommendations on the best paths of climate research in the future.
This paper analyses the risks that major Asian importers would face if oil supplies through the Strait of Hormuz were disrupted on a large scale – for example, if 10 million barrels a day (mbd) were interrupted for 90 days…
Russia possesses the potential to produce significant gas from its Eastern Regions, with total proved reserves in East Siberia and the Far East of Russia standing at 5 trillion cubic metres (Tcm) while prospective resources could be as large as 65Tcm. This would appear to give Russia a huge opportunity for export sales into the Asia Pacific region, which contains the world’s largest LNG importing nations and two of the world’s fastest growing gas markets in China and India (also importers of LNG)…
This paper will examine possible alternatives to JCC (Japan Crude Cocktail) pricing in different countries, and the region as a whole, the consequences of a change in the price mechanism, and how the transition may be managed during the course of the 2010s and beyond.
This book presents a study of the most important governance processes in current EU–Asia climate relations. It focuses on in-depth empirical case studies, offering a comprehensive relational perspective. Contributions on China cover the most essential issues, interests and actors, while the inquiry of EU–Vietnam relations mainly focuses on the CDM as the main channel of bilateral climate action.
The trading of natural gas in the Asia-Pacific region is dominated by long-term contracts in which the price of gas is indexed to that of oil. As the price of gas between Asia and other parts of the world has widened in recent years, observers have raised serious doubts about the sustainability of this pricing model. In this report, the IEA shows what it would take to create a functional, regional natural-gas trading hub in which prices reflect the local supply and demand fundamentals…
This ADB’s report presents a detailed picture of the potential impacts of climate change on migration in Asia and the Pacific
This book covers all critical aspects of climate-smart development and attempts to integrate both market-based and technology-based solutions into a comprehensive approach for creating a road map for low carbon, climate-resilient economies in Asia
A new analysis from the United Nations Development Programme, based on case studies from across Asia and the Pacific, calls for a set of “energy plus” services – one that combines access to modern energy for heating, cooking and electricity, with measures that generate cash, supplement incomes and improve health and education.
Using scenario analysis and a global gas model, Howard Rogers demonstrates that Europeans need to pay as much attention to what is happening in gas markets elsewhere in the world, as they do their own supply/demand dynamics
Based on input from more than 100 experts in 36 countries, this WRI report offers specific, practical strategies and innovative case studies to inform how to integrate climate change risks into national policies and planning.
This UNEP’s report says Asia Pacific’s dynamic growth of the past few decades has reduced poverty and increased wealth and per capita incomes.