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Étiqueté : climate change

Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Climate Change

This innovative research tool presents insights from a global group of leading intellectual property, environment, trade, and industrial scholars on the emerging and controversial topic of intellectual property and climate change. It provides a unique review of the scientific background, international treaties, and political context of climate change; identifies critical conflicts and differences of approach; and describes the relevant intellectual property law doctrines and policy options for regulating, developing, or disseminating needed technologies, activities, and business practices.

Sustainability for a Warming Planet

Human-generated greenhouse gas emissions imperil a global resource: a biosphere capable of supporting life as we know it. What is the fair way to share this scarce resource across present and future generations, and across regions of the world? This study offers a new perspective based on the guiding ethics of sustainability and egalitarianism…

Toward a Binding Climate Change Adaptation Regime

“Scientific consensus is that the impacts of climate change are increasing, as evident from the greater frequency, intensity and magnitude of climate disasters in recent years. This book asks why anticipatory and planned measures for reducing vulnerability to the impacts of climate change should not be regarded as a global responsibility in the same way as mitigation…”

The Global Energy Challenge: Environment, Development and Security

The supply and demand of energy, its security and environmental sustainability are increasingly central issues in the contemporary world. This broad-ranging new text provides an international and interdisciplinary introduction to today’s political, economic, security, policy and technological challenges set in a clear historical context.

Bringing it home : Making a global deal on climate change a reality

In December, politicians, campaigners and diplomats will come together in Paris for the latest in a series of UN negotiations aimed at tackling the world’s greatest collective challenge: how to catalyse action on climate change. But whether or not these talks put us on a plausible path to keeping global temperature rises to 2C – the generally agreed safe limit – will ultimately be up to us…

Climate Change in the Asia-Pacific Region

The Asia-Pacific region is rich in resources on the on hand, but quite vulnerable to climate change on the other. The growing evidences of increases in the intensity and frequency of various extreme events suggest that urgent measures are needed, in order to increase the capacity of the countries in the region to adapt…

The Costs of Climate Change for the European Energy System, an Assessment with the POLES Model

The paper presents a model-based approach describing the impacts of climate change on the European energy system. Existing analyses only estimate a limited range of climate impacts over a limited geographical area. Using the POLES model and the results from several climate models, the present paper quantifies the main impacts of climate change on the European energy sector, country by country, thus achieving progress in this direction.