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Étiqueté : climate change mitigation

Research Handbook on Climate Change Mitigation Law

Governments around the world have been trying to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for decades. This detailed Handbook considers the spectrum of legal and market-based instruments as well as strategies and policies adopted around the world and suggests more effective, comprehensive and responsive ways of managing climate change mitigation…

Integrated life-cycle assessment of electricity-supply scenarios confirms global environmental benefit of low-carbon technologies

“Life-cycle assessments commonly used to analyze the environmental costs and benefits of climate-mitigation options are usually static in nature and address individual power plants. Our paper presents, to our knowledge, the first life-cycle assessment of the large-scale implementation of climate-mitigation technologies, addressing the feedback of the electricity system onto itself and using scenario-consistent assumptions of technical improvements in key energy and material production technologies.”

Optimal Transition from Coal to Gas and Renewable Power under Capacity Constraints and Adjustment Costs

Optimal Transition from Coal to Gas and Renewable Power under Capacity Constraints and Adjustment Costs / Oskar Lecuyer & Adrien Vogt-Schilb. World Bank, Aug. 2014, 28 p. (World Bank Policy Research Working Papers ; 6985) Authors’s abstract : This paper studies the optimal transition from existing...

Establishing and understanding post-2020 climate change mitigation commitments

The aim of this OECD paper is to explore what mitigation commitments put forward under the 2015 agreement might look like, what guidance might be agreed regarding the type of commitments proposed, and which “rules of the game” would need to be agreed before draft commitments for the post-2020 period are put forward. The paper outlines what ex-ante information would need to be provided in order to understand commitments, and explores whether guidance could take the form of “bounded flexibility” for the various dimensions describing mitigation commitments in order to provide a basis for post-2020 emissions accounting and tracking progress. It also describes possible stages of the process for establishing commitments for the 2015 agreement.

Cancun Technology Breakthrough Should Deal with a Fatal Flaw Within

Cancun Technology Breakthrough Should Deal with a Fatal Flaw Within / Dr Promode Kant. IGREC, New Delhi, Jan. 2011, 7 p.

Access to technology for dealing with the consequences of climate change, and for taking a low emission path for development, is of core concern to the developing countries but has seen little concrete action over the last two decades…