Étiqueté : climate change
In Climate Shock, Gernot Wagner and Martin Weitzman explore in lively, clear terms the likely repercussions of a hotter planet, drawing on and expanding from work previously unavailable to general audiences.
This preliminary assessment tries to estimate the cost of global climate change impacts for India. The study aims at estimating first order costs for loss in agriculture productivity and impact on higher power generation requirement with increasing temperatures within a long term global integrated assessment modelling framework. The study also attempts to put a value on the health impacts from temperature rise. The analysis highlights some important results…
Adaptation is necessary to manage the risks posed by climate change. Rising to the Call is a collection of stories from all over India about the nature of extreme weather events experienced, how communities are responding and successful adaptation practices emerging out of these experiences. It studies the impacts and replicability of the different approaches to adaptation and brings out valuable insights for developing countries in the region and beyond.
Results and methodology to quantify the possible cobenefits from ambitious greenhouse gas reductions of countries
In this paper we focus on a long-term dynamic analysis of the optimal adaptation/mitigation mix in the presence of a pollution threshold above which adaptation is no longer efficient.
Climate policy requires that much of the world’s reserves of fossil fuels remain unburned. This paper makes the case for implementing this directly through policy to close the global coal industry.
This paper posits the conceptually useful allegory of a futuristic “World Climate Assembly” that votes on global carbon emissions via the basic principle of majority rule. Two variants are considered…
A special issue of the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, vol. 5, n° 3, December 2014
“This report takes a neutral and independent point of view in attempting to show concrete ways to achieve the goal of reducing the CO2 emissions and limiting the global warming to the 2-degree target…”
How innovation can contribute to building a low carbon economy at an affordable cost
This paper reviews recent evidence on the potential impacts of climate change on energy demand for space heating in residential and commercial buildings.
This FEEM paper develops a dynamic model consisting of two regions (North and South), in which the accumulation of human capital is negatively influenced by the global stock of pollution
This third report in the Turn Down the Heat series covers three World Bank regions: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC); the Middle East and North Africa (MENA); and parts of Europe and Central Asia (ECA). The focus is on the risks of climate change to development…
Central to this working paper is the notion that the concepts and methods of comparative politics can shine light on political factors important for catalysing positive change on the governance climate change adaptation and food security in the developing world…
A perspective from Latin American and Caribbean think tanks on climate change issues Series