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Étiqueté : climate change

Investing in energy use and production to mitigate and to adapt to climate change

Investing in energy use and production to mitigate and to adapt to climate change [Investir dans l’utilisation et la production d’énergie pour lutter et s’adapter au changement climatique] / François Cohen, CERNA – Centre d’économie industrielle. Thèse de doctorat Economies and finances. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines...

International energy governance: Selected legal issues

“The book covers some of the most interesting and pressing areas of international energy law and policy. Eastern-Mediterranean, WTO and energy, external EU energy policy and the promotion of renewable energy and its various effects on market institutions are just examples of legal issues selected for this book…”

Governance and equity in EU climate policy

“This two-part paper, firstly, looks at the evolution and improvement of the assessment of National Allocation Plans, developed by EU Member States under the EU Emissions Trading system, in the period, 2005-2012. Secondly the paper focuses on the development of EU 2020 climate targets and in particular how the 2020 policy framework includes provisions, which can be regarded as a form of “equity” between richer and poor EU Member States”. (©  MAPS)

Global warming, technological change and trade in carbon energy: Challenge or threat ?

Is it possible to combat global climate change through North-to-South technology transfer even without a global climate treaty? Or do carbon leakage and the rebound effect imply that it is possible to take advantage of technological improvements under the umbrella of a global arrangement only?…

Environmental and technology policy options in the electricity sector: Interactions and outcomes

Myriad policy measures aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity sector, promote generation from renewable sources, and encourage energy conservation. To what extent do innovation and energy efficiency (EE) market failures justify additional interventions when a carbon price is in place?…