Informing India’s Energy and Climate Debate
This CPR report reviews seven recent energy and climate studies to critically evaluate estimates of future Indian CO2 emissions, energy use and economic impacts.
This CPR report reviews seven recent energy and climate studies to critically evaluate estimates of future Indian CO2 emissions, energy use and economic impacts.
Using an input–output structural decomposition analysis, this OIES paper analyses the key drivers of China’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions growth between 2007 and 2010.
Carbon dioxide emissions are a major force driving climate change. We construct scenarios of CO2 emissions from fossil energy until 2100 in Europe. Major innovations are first that economic growth is based on an endogenous economic growth model and second that we calibrate our model to historical data on population and GDP since 1850…
Les émissions de CO2 du secteur électrique européen : la contribution des facteurs économiques et de politiques climat-énergie. Une étude (en anglais) de la CDC climat
This study attempts to explore the causal relationship between renewable and nonrenewable electricity consumption, output and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for 10 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries over the period of 1980–2009.
The Cedigaz analysis of the gas, coal and CO2 dynamics in the EU power sector
Actual global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) reached a new record of 34.5 billion tonnes in 2012. Yet, the increase in global CO2 emissions in that year slowed down to 1.1% (or 1.4%, not accounting the extra day in the leap year), which was less than half the average annual increase of 2.9% over the last decade…
Selon l’étude de Siemens présentée au World Energy Congress à Daegu le 17 octobre, le secteur énergétique mondial, à l’horizon 2030, pourrait réduire ses émissions de CO2 d’un montant équivalent au total des émissions annuelles de l’UE.
Seven key factors, combined with the impacts of a prolonged economic slowdown, have led U.S. CO2 emissions to fall to 1996 levels, approaching even the long-‐abandoned Kyoto Protocol target. Is it conceivable that U.S. CO2 emissions may actually have peaked?…
“China is outsourcing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions within its own borders, a study has found. This is much like the way in which rich countries in the West have long turned to China to produce cheap goods, thereby outsourcing dirty emissions… (BBC News)
Electricity use is growing worldwide, providing a range of energy services: lighting, heating and cooling, specific industrial uses, entertainment, information technologies, and mobility. Because its generation remains largely based on fossil fuels, electricity is also the largest and the fastest-growing source of energy-related CO2 emissions, the primary cause of human-induced climate change. Forecasts from the IEA and others show that “decarbonising” electricity and enhancing end-use efficiency can make major contributions to the fight against climate change…
(…) A number of countries, like the UK, are already in the process of reforming their electricity markets in order to ensure the delivery of the huge quantities of low carbon investment which will be needed; these reforms have involved a more central role for the government in decision-making, and in underwriting investments. The paper considers whether the role of market forces is inevitably going to be increasingly limited by the existence of rigorous environmental targets…
In the report, Jorgen Randers raises essential questions: How many people will the planet be able to support? Will the belief in endless growth crumble? Will runaway climate change take hold? Where will quality of life improve, and where will it decline?
“Nature Climate Change a publié en ligne une étude internationale indiquant que les émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) chinoises pourraient être de 20% supérieures aux chiffres officiels délivrés par les autorités chinoises…”
Ce guide de l’Ademe recense tous les véhicules particuliers homologués par l’UTAC vendus en France en 2012. « Le grand Palmarès ADEME » dresse la liste des véhicules les moins émetteurs de CO2, pour les 10 premières valeurs d’émissions de CO2.