Étiqueté : Emissions Trading System
Establishing an Emissions Trading System in China under the Twelfth Five-Year Plan policy considerations
Ce Policy brief de l’IDDRI présente le concept de système d’échange de quotas d’émission (ETS en anglais) et son importance pour la Chine, telle qu’affirmée dans le 12e plan quinquennal (2011-2015). Puis sont énoncées 10 recommandations majeures visant à une mise en œuvre et un fonctionnement efficaces de ce système en Chine.
Emissions and targets of greenhouse gases not included in the Emission Trading System 2013-2020
Analysis of the impact of the European Effort Sharing Decision for the Netherlands
Letting the market play: corporate lobbying and the financial regulation of EU carbon trading
The European Union is changing its rules on how carbon is traded in response to a series of fraud cases and the financial crisis. This report looks at how finance sector lobbyists are trying to influence this process
Domestic Emission Trading Systems in Developing Countries
In this working paper, six developing countries with possible domestic ETS are analysed : Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, and South Korea.
The EU Emissions Trading System and Climate Policy towards 2050
Real incentives to reduce emissions and drive innovation? / Christian Egenhofer et al. CEPS, Janv 2011, 39 p.
This report takes stock of the largest multi-sector greenhouse gas trading scheme in the world…