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Étiqueté : energy system

Investing on Low-Carbon Energy Systems

This book investigates low-carbon energy system development that integrate economic growth, environmental sustainability and social development. It explores recent developments in the energy markets in emerging economies that highlight the need for strengthening regional cooperation across Asia to sustain energy security and reduce carbon emissions, in particular

The Quadrennial Energy Review

The first installment of the QER examines how to modernize american energy infrastructure to promote economic competitiveness, energy security and environmental responsibility, and is focused on energy transmission, storage, and distribution (TS&D), the networks of pipelines, wires, storage, waterways, railroads, and other facilities that form the backbone of american energy system…

BP Energy Outlook 2035

(…) The Outlook highlights the continuous change in the energy system – the changing fuel mix, the changing patterns of trade – as it adapts to meet the world’s growing energy needs. It also highlights the challenge of delivering energy supplies which are sustainable, secure and affordable. The Outlook emphasizes the role of competition and market forces in driving technology and innovation to help us meet that challenge…

Towards a global energy transformation

The study presents three promising country cases in which an energy transition has initiated. It further investigates how governance at multiple levels and interaction between these levels can help to promote and enforce a transformative process. Last but not least, the study sheds a light on how energy narratives shape the socio-political debate around scaled-up deployment of renewable energies…

The EMF28 study on scenarios for transforming the European energy system

“This special issue of Climate Change Economics presents the views regarding the aforementioned questions of the EMF28 study of the Stanford Energy Modeling Forum (EMF). EMF employs an international expert platform to improve the understanding of important energy and environmental problems by comparing different modeling approaches and results…”