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Étiqueté : environment

Domestic incentive measures for renewable energy with possible trade implications

In recent years the manufacturing of renewable-energy technologies has become truly global. The associated rise in international investment and trade in goods and services related to renewable energy has been rapid, but it has not always been smooth. Already there have been challenges at the WTO, and the unilateral imposition of countervailing and anti-dumping duties, in response to some countries‘ policies on the grounds that they distort trade…

The next frontier in United States unconventional shale gas and tight oil extraction

In this report, the authors argue that strategic planning by both companies and regulatory agencies to minimize the environmental impacts of unconventional extraction requires a contextualized understanding of regional issues and the available technical, management, and policy interventions to mitigate them…

Green growth: economic theory and political discourse

The concept of ‘green growth’ has burst onto the international policy scene in the past four years.  Identifying the core meaning of the concept and sister terms such as ‘green economy’, this paper locates green growth within the longer tradition of environmental discourses, notably that of sustainable development…