Carbon leakage and competitiveness of cement and steel industries under the EU ETS : much ado about nothing
In this paper we investigate a potential competitiveness-driven carbon leakage due to the European Union Emission Trading scheme (EU ETS)…
In this paper we investigate a potential competitiveness-driven carbon leakage due to the European Union Emission Trading scheme (EU ETS)…
Un document de travail de la CDC Climat
The book examines how the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has actually worked on the ground thorough a wide range of mechanisms
This article attempts to identify the conditions for making the coming years of the EU ETS a success.
The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS), presented as the “flagship’’ of European climate policy, is subject to many criticisms from different stakeholders. Criticisms include the insufficient carbon emissions reduction, the competitiveness losses and the induced carbon leakages, the unfair distributional effects, the frauds and the existence of several other overlapping climate policy instruments…
The current EU ETS faces a dilemma. To induce low-carbon investments in the power sector, higher carbon prices are needed, while low carbon prices are needed to reduce the risk of carbon leakage and loss of industrial competitiveness. This study analyses the effects and implications of two alternative policy options to address this price dilemma…
The principal aim of this article is to provide the reader with an overview of the key legal considerations at play in relation to European Union (EU) energy security…
CDC Climat et la Chaire Économie du Climat ont étudié les données préliminaires des quotas gratuits de la phase 3 dans 20 pays membres de l’UE et se sont demandés à quel point les benchmarks réduiraient les allocations gratuites…
A la suite du vote au parlement, la Commission ne pourra pas rapidement mettre en œuvre le « backloading » qui avait l’intérêt d’envoyer un signal de très court terme au marché dans l’attente de réformes plus structurelles. Ceci repose la question des actions qui peuvent être engagées pour relancer le système d’échange de quotas de CO2…
This report evaluates various options to structurally reform the EU ETS, some of which also have been proposed by the European Commission. The impact of these reform options was quantified using WorldScan, a global computable general equilibrium model…
The European Union’s emissions trading system, introduced in 2005, is the centerpiece of EU decarbonisation efforts and the biggest emissions trading scheme in the world. After a peak in May 2008, the price of ETS carbon allowances started to collapse, and industry, civil society and policymakers began to think about how to “repair the ETS”. However…
From Phase 3 (2013-20) of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme carbon-intensive industrial emitters will receive free allocations based on harmonised, EU-wide benchmarks. This paper analyses and evaluates the impacts of these new rules on allocations to key energy-intensive sectors…
As an increasing number of countries, regions, cities and states implement emission trading policies to limit cap CO2 emission, many turn to the experience of the
European Union’s Emissions Trading System, as the largest greenhouse gas emissions trading system currently operating…
This research analyzes the German experience in promoting renewable energy over the past decade to identify the ex post cost of reducing CO2 emissions through the promotion of renewable energy, specifically, wind and solar