Guerre des prix ou instrumentalisation de l’incertitude sur les prix
Quelle stratégie pour un fournisseur dominant sur le marché gazier européen ?
Quelle stratégie pour un fournisseur dominant sur le marché gazier européen ?
The Russian gas sector is undergoing significant changes which is opening the way for an original reform. Because of the particular institutional and economic context of the country, this reorganisation is not taking place along the lines of the de-integrated model of the EU…
Katja Yafimava’s paper details this evolving landscape and sets out the key debates on issues of capacity allocation and congestion management. The paper’s secondary focus is the impact on Russia, as the main external supplier of gas to Europe, and in particular the impact on Gazprom’s existing supply and capacity contracts and its plans to build extensive new pipeline capacity for exports to Europe.
La baisse, en 2012, des exportations gazières de la Russie à destination du marché européen au profit de la Norvège, son principal concurrent, invite à s’interroger sur le « modèle » gazier de la Russie…
This Oxford energy comment is a response to a paper by Sergei Komlev, from the Contract Structuring and Pricing Directorate of Gazprom Export, which challenged the conclusions of previous OIES research on European gas pricing and suggested that we had “refused to engage constructively with those who offer opposing viewpoints.” In this comment, Jonathan Stern and Howard Rogers set out the differences between their research and that of Sergei Komlev and respond to his criticisms.
This OIES study provides a detailed survey of Baltic gas relations with Russia in the post-Soviet era, showing the inter-relationships between political and commercial considerations and how these have differed between countries and changed over time…
This EPRG working paper presents the mathematical formulation of a large-scale equilibrium natural gas simulation model that covers gas markets of the EU and the Former Soviet Union…