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Étiqueté : Germany

Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German “Energiewende”

The option of adapting to climate change is becoming more important in climate change policy. Hence, responding to climate change now involves both mitigation to address the cause and adaptation as a response to already ongoing or expected changes. These changes are also of relevance for the
energy sector in Germany…

Taking stock of german energy policy in a european context

In face of the Ukrainian crisis, the security of supply of natural gas has moved to the center of the debate on European energy policy. This sometimes blinds to the fact that there are further challenges in European energy policy need to be addressed. For Germany, due to its energy transition, there are three problems that can only be solved on the European level…

Power system transformation toward renewables : Investment scenarios for Germany

We analyze distinctive investment scenarios for the integration of fluctuating renewables in the German power system. Using a combined model for dispatch, transmission, and investment, three different investment options are considered, including gas-fired power plants, pumped hydro storage, and transmission lines…

The impact of a feed-in tariff on wind power development in Germany

“We estimate the impact of a feed-in tariff for renewable power on wind power investment in Germany at the county level from 1996-2010 controlling for windiness and access to the electricity transmission grid. After the Renewable Energy Law (EEG) was passed in 2000, the feed-in tariff became linked to wind power potential, such that more windy locations received a lower incentive per unit of output…”

Towards a global energy transformation

The study presents three promising country cases in which an energy transition has initiated. It further investigates how governance at multiple levels and interaction between these levels can help to promote and enforce a transformative process. Last but not least, the study sheds a light on how energy narratives shape the socio-political debate around scaled-up deployment of renewable energies…

Moving targets : Negotiations on the EU’s energy and climate policy objectives for the post-2020 period and implications for the German energy transition

(…) By analyzing the decision-making process primarily from the negotiators’ perspective this study considers the plausible and probable outcomes of negotiations to establish a new EU energy and climate policy framework. In addition, it explores how the likely scenario of an unambitious EU compromise would affect Germany’s “Energiewende” (energy transition) policy.

Year 2 of Germany’s energy transition

After a decade characterised by the take-off of renewable energies, Germany decided in 2010 to make them the top priority. At the same time, it decided to make exemplary efforts in terms of energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gases. The audacious nature of this policy was strengthened by the “turn” taken in 2011 to give up nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima accident…