Russia and China hydrocarbon relations : A building block toward international hydrocarbon regulation ?
Un cahier de recherche de l’équipe EDDEN de Pacte
Un cahier de recherche de l’équipe EDDEN de Pacte
This paper sheds light on the relationship between oil rent and the allocation of talent, toward rent-seeking versus more productive activities, conditional on the quality of institutions…
Central to this working paper is the notion that the concepts and methods of comparative politics can shine light on political factors important for catalysing positive change on the governance climate change adaptation and food security in the developing world…
This article assesses the sustainability potential of the urban water systems in Europe (UWSE) following their modernisation…
The report shows that the world in 2030 will likely be a more fragile place due to the rise of economic interdependence, the diffusion of power, and the disruptive potential of resource insecurities, climate change and technological innovation…
This article attempts to identify the conditions for making the coming years of the EU ETS a success.
The article responds to the growing tendency to indistinctively label policy actions as climate change adaptation, which has hampered comparative policy analysis and policy evaluation…
This article develops a novel theory of energy governance and uses it to assess how institutional innovation can help meet critical challenges emerging from rapid technological change
The paper is intended to stimulate the debate on how the EU can enhance its alliance with other global climate frontrunners and address a changing world order. What steps does Europe have to take that underpin the EU’s climate leadership and ensure an ambitious future global agreement?(© Silvia Brugger)
Energy in Europe and Russia is in flux. The authors address key issues in this context and seek to analyze contemporary transition processes in the region’s energy sector. They look at whether and how transnational policy mechanisms can generate sufficient steering capacity to address pressing energy policy issues, including environmental concerns, energy transit or rapidly changing natural gas markets…
Un article de Carole-Anne Sénit (IDDRI), consacré aux facteurs politiques, économiques et psychologiques limitant l’efficacité des négociations sur le changement climatique et, plus largement, de la gouvernance internationale du développement durable
This paper analyzes how city pioneers in Europe have been able to overcome these disincentives thanks to a combination of local circumstances and interventions by higher levels of government
The relation between the climate regulation and the multilateral trade regime is a rising issue in the field of international governance. This article presents the options available to OPEC economies related to this.
This working paper identifies key components of smart renewable energy policy in developing countries, focusing on the power sector
The paper characterizes transnational climate governance in terms of two theoretical frameworks developed specifically to describe, explain and evaluate complex governance arrangements; this reveals potentially fruitful lines of positive and normative analysis…