National contributions to observed global warming
Lire à ce propos : Les changements climatiques, à la poursuite des coupables, Enerzine, 30/01/2014
Lire à ce propos : Les changements climatiques, à la poursuite des coupables, Enerzine, 30/01/2014
We review the historical literature on the economics of climate change with a focus on the evolution of the literature from some of the early classic papers to the latest contributions. We divide the paper into three main sections: trends in greenhouse gas emissions, mitigation, and adaptation.
A quantitative assessment of the implications of including non-CO2 emissions in the European ETS / Carlo Orecchia & Ramiro Parrado. Milan : Fondation Eni Enrico Mattei, 2013, 25 p. (Nota di lavoro ; 2013.100) Authors’s abstract : Although CO2 emissions stand for most of greenhouse...
This World bank paper compares the temporal profile of efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions induced by two mitigation strategies : a regulation of all emissions with a carbon price and a regulation of emissions embedded in new capital only…
This report reviews national approaches to preparing baseline scenarios of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. It does so by describing and comparing in non-technical language existing practices and choices made by ten developing countries – Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand and Vietnam…
Converting methane to an alternative fuel using energy from the sun could reduce carbon-dioxide emissions…
Using all fossil fuels will breach the global carbon dioxide budget In 2010, governments confirmed in the Cancun Agreement that emissions should be reduced to avoid a rise in global average temperature of more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels, with the possibility of revising this down to 1.5°C. The modelling used in previous analyses by Carbon Tracker and the IEA showed that the carbon budget for a 2°C scenario would be around 565 – 886 billion tonnes (Gt) of carbon dioxide (CO2) to 2050. This outcome assumes that non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. methane and nitrous oxide) remain high…
Twenty-one coherent major initiatives could together stimulate sufficient reductions by 2020 to bridge the global greenhouse-gas emissions gap…
This WRI’s report explores whether technology improvements alone can achieve oil consumption and GHG emissions reduction targets consistent with recent draft legislation and international climate negotiations…
Many new and ambitious energy efficiency and conservation laws are being enacted at all levels of government – and with greater financial incentives than provided previously. These innovations are intended to overcome or minimize a variety of market barriers. These innovations, including public-private partnerships, also require significant legal input and creativity to reap the often remarkably large energy and cost savings. This article reviews a range of these tools, especially financial legal mechanisms, that could help significantly reduce U.S. energy consumption.
This study was prepared at the request of the Government of Norway (GoN) to support its new climate finance initiative, Energy+. The purpose of that new endeavor is to expand use of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures to increase energy access in the least developed countries and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries.
This article shows greenhouse gas emissions estimates for electricity purchase for different scenarios using U.S. average electricity mix, state mixes, state mixes including imports, and a sector-specific mix to show how different these results can be.