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Étiqueté : India

Energy and Air Pollution

Based on new data for pollutant emissions in 2015 and projections to 2040, this IEA’s special report, the latest in the World Energy Outlook series, provides a global outlook for energy and air pollution as well as detailed profiles of key countries and regions: the United States, Mexico, the European Union, China, India, Southeast Asia and Africa.

The costs of climate change impacts for India

This preliminary assessment tries to estimate the cost of global climate change impacts for India. The study aims at estimating first order costs for loss in agriculture productivity and impact on higher power generation requirement with increasing temperatures within a long term global integrated assessment modelling framework. The study also attempts to put a value on the health impacts from temperature rise. The analysis highlights some important results…

Rising to the Call: Good Practices of Climate Change Adaptation in India

Adaptation is necessary to manage the risks posed by climate change. Rising to the Call is a collection of stories from all over India about the nature of extreme weather events experienced, how communities are responding and successful adaptation practices emerging out of these experiences. It studies the impacts and replicability of the different approaches to adaptation and brings out valuable insights for developing countries in the region and beyond.

Energy security outlook : Defining a secure and sustainable energy future for India

“The distinct and diverse energy realities that characterize India necessitate a more detailed examination of the country’s energy situation. A multi-sector and multi-issue analysis that takes cognizance of the tugs and pulls that India’s energy policy is subject to is essential. It is with this objective that the Energy Security Outlook examines issues pertinent to India’s energy security…”

More power to India. The challenge of electricity distribution

More power to India. The challenge of electricity distribution / Sheoli Pargal and Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee. World Bank, 2014, 255 p. Presentation (© Esmap) : Two decades after the liberalization of India’s economy and a decade after the passage of the Electricity Act of...

Auctions for oil and gas exploration leases in India

This OIES’s paper addresses the following policy question: why, despite nearly 15 years of operation of India’s New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP), representing two full exploration cycles has this regime yielded inconclusive results, both in terms of a firm indication of India’s resource potential, and increased domestic production?