Vision à long terme pour les infrastructures en Europe et au-delà
Communication de la commission au parlement européen, au conseil, au comité économique et social européen et au comité des régions
Communication de la commission au parlement européen, au conseil, au comité économique et social européen et au comité des régions
Contexte de l’étude de la CDC climat : intégrer les impacts systémiques sur les émissions de GES pour réussir la transition vers un avenir bas-carbone…
The paper analyses analyse what would be needed to achieve the High Level Panel goals/targets for the water, energy and transport sectors…
In this paper, the authors use the Global Gas Model to analyze the perspectives and infrastructure needs of the Europe- an natural gas market until 2050.
It is generally believed that the American model is not suitable for Europe, yet North America is the only large and working competitive gas market in the world. The paper shows how its model could be adapted as a target for market design within the European institutional framework. It starts from analysis of the main peculiar economic features of the gas transportation industry, which should underpin any efficient model…
A Comparative Study of Two Asian Pipelines, by Benjamin K. Sovacool. Asian Studies Review, vol. 34, n° 4, 2010, pp. 489-511