Sharing R&D Investments in Cleaner Technologies to Mitigate Climate Change
This paper examines international cooperation on technological development as an alternative to international cooperation on GHG emission reductions. It
This paper examines international cooperation on technological development as an alternative to international cooperation on GHG emission reductions. It
We present typical scenarios and general insights from a novel dynamic model of farsighted climate coalition formation involving market linkage and cap coordination, using a simple analytical model of the underlying cost-benefit structure…
This paper considers self-enforcing international environmental agreements when countries are asymmetric with respect to emission-related benefits and environmental damage…
The theory of international environmental agreements overwhelmingly assumes that governments engage as unitary agents. Each government makes choices based on benefits and costs that are simple national aggregates, and similarly on a single set of national-level motivations, together drawing a strong analogy with the behaviour of an individual or firm in other strategic contexts…
This paper examines the legal, political, technical, economic and financial implications of fitting commitments by cities into the post-2012 climate change agreement.
Under the ENTWINED research consortium, funded by the Swedish MISTRA Foundation, IISD is undertaking research on accountability as it relates to the World Trade Organization, including a comparison with accountability measures and approaches used in multilateral environmental agreements. This research has involved the review of a wide range of articles, books and other publications…
Do countries interact when they decide to ratify the Kyoto protocol? What is the nature of these possible interactions? To answer these questions, the author provides a theoretical analysis based on the notions of strategic substitutability and strategic complementarity.