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Étiqueté : Middle East

Too much energy ? Asia at 2030

This AEI report strives to shed light on these uncertainties with the aim of providing realistic scenarios for the global energy outlook to 2030.

A roadmap for renewable energy in the Middle East and North Africa

This paper argues that renewable energy – most importantly solar power, with its particular regional climatic advantage – could play a significant role as a cost-competitive alternative to conventional fossil fuels, if the full opportunity cost of domestically consumed oil and natural gas resources is fully priced into the regional energy system…

MENA Renewables Status Report

The report provides a status overview of renewable energy markets, industry, policy and investment trends in the region, drawing on the most recent data available. It is produced in cooperation with over 50 contributors and researchers in the region and reveals massive growth in the renewable energy markets of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Issues in the pricing of domestic and internationally-traded gas in MENA and sub-Saharan Africa

This OIES paper analyses the political economy of domestic pricing in gas-rich developing countries in the Middle East and Africa, and chronicles the pricing mechanisms in the main export and import contracts in these regions, helping assess the disconnect between domestic prices and international prices and its implications for gas use in these regions.