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Étiqueté : Mitigation

Beyond Rio: Sustainable energy scenarios for the 21st century

The scenario pathways presented in this paper describe transformative changes toward these goals, taking a broad view of the four main energy challenges faced by society in the 21st century: providing universal access to modern energy for all; reducing the impacts of energy production on human health and the environment; avoiding dangerous climate change; and enhancing energy security…

Adaptation, Mitigation and Risk-Taking in Climate Policy

“Governments try to cope with these risks by investing in mitigation and adaptation measures. Mitigation aims at a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions whereas adaptation reduces the follow-up costs of climate change. In contrast to the existing literature, we explicitly model the decision of risk-averse governments on mitigation and adaptation policies…”

Adapting and Mitigating to Climate Change: Balancing the Choice under Uncertainty

Bosello, F. and C. Chen (2010). Adapting and Mitigating to Climate Change: Balancing the Choice under Uncertainty. FEEM Note di lavoro No. 2010.159, Dec 2010.
This paper enriches the rapidly expanding literature trying to devise normative indications on the optimal combination of the two introducing the role of catastrophic and spatial uncertainty related to climate change damages…