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Étiqueté : oil

The Prospects and Challenges for Arctic Oil Development

The objective of this OIES paper is to provide an updated overview of offshore oil and gas developments in the Arctic and to discuss the potential for large-scale development of the region as a petroleum province over the next 20-30 years, thereby providing a starting point for future production estimates and for analyzing how relevant such estimates may be for global oil (and gas) markets

Attaining sustainable development of oil and gas in North America

This review focuses on national and subnational environmental regulations that are important for governing the sustainable development of oil and gas. It provides a snapshot of the policies and regulations in each country [USA, Canada and Mexico] related to oil and gas extraction, oil and gas transport and oil refining, and certain issues that impact demand…

Fueling up: The economic implications of America’s oil and gas boom

“New drilling techniques for oil and natural gas are propelling an energy production renaissance in the United States. As the US economy struggles to emerge from the Great Recession, many see the boom as a possible source of economic salvation that could reduce unemployment and revitalize American manufacturing. Until now, however, there has been little objective analysis of the energy boom’s economic consequences. In this major study, Trevor Houser and Shashank Mohan fill that gap…”

Auctions for oil and gas exploration leases in India

This OIES’s paper addresses the following policy question: why, despite nearly 15 years of operation of India’s New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP), representing two full exploration cycles has this regime yielded inconclusive results, both in terms of a firm indication of India’s resource potential, and increased domestic production?

The political economy of oil and the crisis of the Arab state system

This FEEM paper argues that the so-called Arab spring is part of a tectonic shift which signals the frailty of the Arab state system as such. Countries benefitting from oil and gas rents have been more resilient, because of their potential to create systems of incentives and disincentives in order to prevent disruptive social change…