Les nouvelles régulations électriques
Cet ouvrage, rédigé sous la direction de Michel Lapeyre, porte sur les diverses régulations électriques, qu’elles soient nationales, supranationales ou locales
Cet ouvrage, rédigé sous la direction de Michel Lapeyre, porte sur les diverses régulations électriques, qu’elles soient nationales, supranationales ou locales
The multidisciplinary approach focuses on the economic, political and institutional aspects of liberalization as well as, to a lesser extent, on technological issues. As such, this book constitutes a unique contribution, as this broad overview is often lost in the sector-specific, country-focused and purely disciplinary approaches prevalent in the current literature. Sectors explored include telecoms, the Internet, energy and transport, while the truly global perspective incorporates unique case studies from an array of developed and developing countries including the US, China, India and the EU.
This CIRED’s working paper assesses the impact of French policies for residential space-heating energy consumption, both enacted (tax credits for the purchase of energy efficient durables, soft loans for retrofitting actions, stringent building codes) and anticipated (carbon tax, retrofitting obligation).
This paper is a chapter in the forthcoming book “Jamasb T. and Pollitt, M. G. (2011) Eds., The Future of Electricity Demand: Customers, Citizens and Loads, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge”
… Uncertainty and endogenous technology choice. Statistics Norway Discussion Paper
S. Ambec and L. Ehlers, LERNA Working Paper. We examine the distributional impact of the polluter-pays principle which requires that any agent compensates all other agents for the damages caused by his or her (pollution) emissions…