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Étiqueté : Smart grids

Les distributeurs d’énergie électrique au cœur des smart grids

Cet ouvrage détaille comment les distributeurs déploient des technologies tels que les capteurs et les compteurs intelligents, et mettent en place une chaîne renforcée de transmission et d’échange d’informations. Il développe les moyens permettant d’améliorer la qualité de service et de limiter le temps de coupure moyen des clients.

Smart grids and renewables– A guide for effective deployment

The steady growth of renewable energy technologies and cost-competitiveness of solar and wind power call for a smarter approach to power-grid management. This working paper from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) provides a technical overview of smart-grid technologies as a way to accommodate larger shares of renewable energy in the electricity sector.

The Role of Thermal Storage and Natural Gas in a Smart Energy System

Smart grids are considered important building blocks of a future energy system that facilitates integration of massive distributed energy resources like gas-fired cogeneration (CHP). The latter produces thermal and electric power together and as such reinforces the interaction between the gas and electricity-distribution systems…