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Étiqueté : technological change

Global warming, technological change and trade in carbon energy: Challenge or threat ?

Is it possible to combat global climate change through North-to-South technology transfer even without a global climate treaty? Or do carbon leakage and the rebound effect imply that it is possible to take advantage of technological improvements under the umbrella of a global arrangement only?…

Mitigation strategies and energy technology learning : an assessment with the POLES model

This paper explores various dimensions of the learning process for low-carbon technologies under different mitigation scenarios. It uses the POLES model, which addresses learning as an endogenous phenomenon with learning curves, and a set of scenarios developed as part of the AMPERE project…

The environment and directed technical change : comment

Cet document de travail du CIRED analyse le modèle de croissance sous contraintes environnementales présenté par Acemoglu et al. (2011), lequel met l’accent sur la réorientation du changement technique au moyen de politiques climatiques combinant une taxe carbone et des subventions à la recherche