Le secteur énergétique ukrainien à la lumière de la crise : au delà du transit gazier, un défi de gouvernance
Un note de l’Ifri signée de Quentin Boulanger
Un note de l’Ifri signée de Quentin Boulanger
For more than ten years harsh negotiations among different oil majors and pipeline consortia have been taking place about the Southern Gas Corridor, all of them seeking to transit 10 bcm/year of natural gas that will be produced from the Shah Deniz giant gas field of Azerbaijan to the European Union. As of today, no Final Investment Decision (FID) has been reached neither for the preferred pipeline route to Europe, nor for the production of the second phase of Shah Deniz…
This EPRG working paper presents the mathematical formulation of a large-scale equilibrium natural gas simulation model that covers gas markets of the EU and the Former Soviet Union…