Étiqueté : unconventional gas
The Rebound Effect and Energy Efficiency Policy ; European Natural Gas Seasonal Effects on Futures Hedging ; Integrated Environmental Assessment of Future Energy Scenarios Based on Economic Equilibrium Models ; Implications of Weak Near-term Climate Policies on Long-term Mitigation Pathways…
The wave of deep offshore and unconventional gas and oil exploration projects, rendered economically feasible by relatively high prices and new technologies, has reached the shores of the Mediterranean. Levantine countries, including Cyprus, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, have new offshore gas potentials…
Prohibitions or restrictions on US exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are a bad idea. LNG exports will deliver economic benefits to the US economy. The US Department of Energy should approve pending LNG export applications for projects at an advanced planning stage, in conjunction with appropriate regulation to limit environmental dangers from wells to ports…
Ces études portent sur les effets potentiels de ces combustibles sur les marchés de l’énergie, l’impact climatique potentiel de production de gaz de schiste et les risques potentiels relatifs à l’exploitation et à la fracturation hydraulique que les gaz de schiste pourraient présenter pour la santé humaine et l’environnement.
Natural gas is poised to enter a golden age, but this future hinges critically on the successful development of the world’s vast unconventional gas resources. North American experience shows unconventional gas – notably shale gas – can be exploited economically. Many countries are lining up to emulate this success. But some governments are hesitant, or even actively opposed. They are responding to public concerns that production might involve unacceptable environmental and social damage. This report treats these aspirations and anxieties with equal seriousness…