Redistribution effects of energy and climate policy: the electricity market
This FEEM paper compares the redistribution effects of two major electricity policies: support schemes for renewable energy sources, and CO2 pricing
This FEEM paper compares the redistribution effects of two major electricity policies: support schemes for renewable energy sources, and CO2 pricing
Renewable energy technologies: cost analysis series. Bonn : IRENA, June 2012 Preface : International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Member Countries have asked for better, objective cost data for renewable energy technologies.These five reports on solar pholtovoltaics, wind, biomass, hydropower and concentrating solar power address...
This EPRG paper presents a dynamic simulation model of the aggregated Great Britain (GB) generation investment market and seeks to inform the debate about market reform, in particular the response and profitability of thermal investments to policies promoting investment in variable output renewable generation such as wind. (© EPRG)
The focus of this Clingendael’s study is to explore the effect that the deployment of a large share of wind energy has on the Northwest European power generation mix in the current market circumstances
This EPRG working paper stresses the importance of integrating short-term demand response to time-varying prices into those investment models