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Étiqueté : WTO

Renewable energy disputes in the World Trade Organization

This article analyzes renewable energy disputes in the World Trade Organization (WTO), explores the specific WTO norms that have been, and are likely to be, engaged by trade-distortive measures that WTO Members may seek to argue have been taken to promote renewables, and advocates implementing stronger governance of energy trade and provides an analysis of the WTO’s treatment of renewable energy

The conservation of exhaustible natural resources in the GATT and WTO: Implications for the conservation of oil resources

The conservation of exhaustible natural resources constitutes a prominent linkage and one of the ongoing debates in the relationship between trade liberalization and environmental sustainability. Indeed, the recognition of this linkage was embodied as an important exception to the rules of the GATT, which justifies a violating measure related “to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources”…

The WTO and the environment: Development of competence beyond trade

This book is a review of the development of the WTO dispute resolution procedure and the power and influence it has gained over the practises of the member countries as well as in other international treaties. The book addresses the development of environmental competency in the WTO and examines the arguments of those who oppose WTO rule making with impacts on the environment…

Ain’t wastin’ time no more: subsidies for renewable energy, the SCM agreement, policy space, and law reform

L’auteur s’interroge sur la question de la compatibilité des subventions en matière d’énergies renouvelables avec le cadre juridique de l’OMC. L’article met en évidence le caractère incertain et insuffisant de ce dernier donnant lieu à des différends en constante augmentation. (info source et copyright : © Mediaterre)

Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy and WTO subsidy rules

This ICTSD’s  paper analyzes renewable energy feed-in tariff (FIT) programmes in the context of World Trade Organization (WTO) subsidy rules. By examining the functioning of the FIT programmes implemented by the Canadian province of Ontario, Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) the paper explores how current subsidy rules may treat FIT programmes.